In today's world, technology is everywhere, all at once. Join us to unlock opportunities in one of our programs where possibilities are limitless!
November 2024
Organized by FOSSASIA since 2009, Open Tech Summit has traveled across Asia, providing a dynamic platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and exploring advancements in Open-source, Cloud, AI, and more. Learn more about the event:
June 2024
Datathon 2024 is a data science competition organized by the Research and Technology (RISTEK) department of the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Indonesia. This competition aims to equip participants to become proficient data scientists. In this competition, you can apply knowledge related to data wrangling, exploratory data analysis, data manipulation, and modeling. You will also be challenged to think analytically to extract valuable insights from existing data. Data can be available in various forms or transformed into different formats. Participants will be assessed based on the quality of their predictions and the methodology used.
March 2023
Through this scholarship program, RISTEK seeks to empower its members in accelerating growth in the field of Data Science! Members will gain access to over 440 courses on the latest technologies, practice exercises to sharpen its members skills, assessments to test member's knowledge on the subject matter, and projects that stem from real world queries. Members will get access to extra features like Workspace, Certification, and Jobs with over $399 USD value.
November 2022
To close our annual Pekan RISTEK, participants and members ranging from freshmen to senior Fasilkom UI students toured the Google office in Jakarta. The Google team also provided an insightful session and hands-on implementation of Google Cloud Platform by industry professionals.
October 2022
Our annual event to showcase RISTEK to Fasilkom Ul students through open classes and competitions hosted by our Special Interest Groups: Data Science, Project Management, Digital Product Design, Web Development, and many more!
July 2022
One of the first women-only tech mentorship programs pioneered by a student organization, open for female Indonesian citizens ages 17-25. SISTECH amassed over 1.300+ applications across four career paths: Product Management, UI/UX Design, Software Engineering, and Data Analytics.
June 2022
The whole RISTEK team visited the headquarter of Indonesia's OTA giant,, as our first offline event since the pandemic. The team hosted an exclusive networking session and office tour.
May 2022
Workipedia Class: Spill the Tech is a collaboration program between Ziliun and Telkomsel to introduce the tech industry to university students through RISTEK by hosting intimate sessions that consist of Online Career Talk and Mini Workshops.
Universitas Indonesia, Depok
RISTEK is a student-founded non-profit organization from Universitas Indonesia's Faculty of Computer Science, supported by a United States of America 501(c)(3) non-profit.
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